Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010



Kalo anda tidak punya pengalaman…

Kalo belum tahu benar caranya…

Kalo belum punya paypal banyak… :( (

Karena saya punya mendapatkan pengalaman paling berharga dengan pembelian domain PR. Setelah lama menunggu google update PR dengan tabah akhirnya blog tercinta ini mendapatkan PR 2 itu patut disyukuri, tapi tidakdengan pengalaman membeli domain PR.

Setelah beli account di TDNAM serta mengadakan riset terhadap domain yang punya valid PR aku langsung memutuskan untuk membeli domain di godaddy. Langsung beli n tiba-tiba mas toni muncul dengan pemberitahuan kalo ada teman yang barusan beli n langsung di drop jd n/a, tepat setelah aku membeli domain ini.

hua hua huha hua … (menangis semalam :( )

Akhirnya paypalku sukses tersedot $15.89 untuk membeli domain dengan PR n/a. Kaciaaan deh akyu…

Tapi pelajaran ini cukup berharga untukku dan juga untuk teman blogger semua…

Makanya jangan beli domain PR

wolu outzz


Bertobatlah teman2 semua di forum ffi, bertobatlah, jangan sampai terlambat. ikuti kisah nyata dibawah ini.


Kesaksian Warga Bengkalis yang Mati Suri dalam Temu Alumni ESQ 'Menyaksikan Orang Disiksa dan Ingin Kembali ke Dunia'.

Pengalaman mati suri seperti yang dialami Aslina, telah pula dirasakan banyak orang. Seorang peneliti dan meraih gelar doktor filsafat dari Universitas Virginia Dr Raymond A Moody pernah meneliti fenomena ini.
Hasilnya orang mati suri rata-rata memiliki pengalaman yang hampir sama.Masuk lorong waktu dan ingin dikembalikan ke dunia.

Catatan ini dilengkapi pula dengan penjelasan instruktur ESQ Legisan Sugimin yang mengutip Al-Quran yang menjelaskan orang yang mati itu ingin dikembalikan ke dunia, serta penelusuran melalui internet tentang Dr Raymond. Bagi pembaca yang ingin mengetahui perihal Dr Raymond dapat membuka situs www.lifeafterlife. Com dan hasil penelitian Raymond tentang mati suri dapat dibaca di buku Life After Life.

Aslina adalah warga Bengkalis yang mati suri 24 Agustus 2006 lalu. Gadis berusia sekitar 25 tahun itu memberikan kesaksian saat nyawanya dicabut dan apa yang disaksikan ruhnya saat mati suri.

Sebelum Aslina memberi kesaksian, pamannya Rustam Effendi memberikan penjelasan pembuka. Aslina berasal dari keluarga sederhana, ia telah yatim. Sejak kecil cobaan telah datang pada dirinya. Pada umur tujuh tahun tubuhnya terbakar api sehingga harus menjalanidua kali operasi. Menjelang usia SMA ia termakan racun. Tersebab itu ia menderita selama tiga tahun.
Pada umur 20 tahun ia terkena gondok (hipertiroid) . Gondok tersebut menyebabkan beberapa kerusakan pada jantung dan matanya. Karena penyakit gondok itu maka Jumat, 24 Agustus 2006 Aslina menjalani check-up atas gondoknya di Rumah Sakit Mahkota Medical Center (MMC)
Melaka Malaysia . Hasil pemeriksaan menyatakan penyakitnya di ambang batas sehingga belum bisa dioperasi.

'' Kalau dioperasi maka akan terjadi pendarahan” jelas Rustam. Oleh karena itu Aslina hanya diberi obat. Namun kondisinya tetap lemah. Malamnya Aslina gelisah luar biasa, dan terpaksa pamannya membawa Aslina kembali ke Mahkota sekitar pukul 12 malam itu. Ia dimasukkan ke unit gawat darurat (UGD), saat itu detak jantungnya dan napasnya sesak.Lalu ia dibawa ke luar UGD masuk ke ruang perawatan. '' Aslina seperti orang ombak (menjelang sakratulmaut, red). Lalu saya ajarkan kalimat thoyyibah dan syahadat. Setelah itu dalam pandangan saya Aslina menghembuskan nafas terakhir, '' ungkapnya. Usai Rustam memberi pengantar, lalu Aslina
memberikan kesaksiaannya.

'' Mati adalah pasti. Kita ini calon-calon mayat, calon penghuni kubur,'' begitu ia mengawali kesaksiaannya setelah meminta seluruh hadirin yang memenuhi Grand Ball Room Hotel Mutiara Merdeka Pekanbaru tersebut membacakan shalawat untuk Nabi Muhammad SAW. Tak lupa ia juga menasehati jamaah untuk memantapkan iman, amal dan ketakwaan sebelum mati datang. '' ” Saya telah merasakan mati,'' ujar anak yatim itu. Hadirin terpaku mendengar kesaksian itu. Sungguh, lanjutya, terlalu sakit mati itu.

Diceritakan, rasa sakit ketika nyawa dicabut itu seperti sakitnya kulit hewan ditarik dari daging, dikoyak. Bahkan lebih sakit lagi. '' Terasa malaikat mencabut (nyawa, red) dari kaki kanan saya,''
tambahnya. Di saat itu ia sempat diajarkan oleh pamannya kalimat thoyibah. '' Saat di ujung napas, saya berzikir,'' ujarnya. ''Sungguh sakitnya, Pak, Bu,'' ulangnya di hadapan lebih dari 300 alumni ESQ Pekanbaru.

Diungkapkan, ketika ruhnya telah tercabut dari jasad, ia menyaksikan di sekelilingnya ada dokter, pamannya dan ia juga melihat jasadnya yang terbujur. Setelah
itu datang dua malaikat serba putih mengucapkan ” Assalaimualaikum kepada ruh Aslina. Malaikat itu besar, kalau memanggil, jantung rasanya mau copot, gemetar,'' ujar Aslina mencerita pengalaman matinya.
Lalu malaikat itu bertanya: ''siapa Tuhanmu, apa agamamu, dimana kiblatmu dan siapa nama orangtuamu. " Ruh Aslina menjawab semua pertanyaan itu dengan lancar. Lalu ia dibawa ke alam barzah. '' Tak ada teman kecuali amal,'' tambah Aslina yang Ahad malam itu berpakaian serba hijau.

Seperti pengakuan pamannya, Aslina bukan seorang pendakwah, tapi malam itu ia tampil memberikan kesaksian bagaikan seorang muballighah. Di alam barzah ia melihat seseorang ditemani oleh sosok yang mukanya berkudis, badan berbulu dan mengeluarkan bau busuk. Mungkin sosok itulah adalah amal buruk dari orang tersebut.

Aslina melanjutkan. ''Bapak, Ibu, ingatlah mati,'' sekali lagi ia mengajak hadirin untuk bertaubat dan beramal sebelum ajal menjemput. Di alam barzah, ia melanjutkan kesaksiannya, ruh Aslina dipimpin oleh dua orang malaikat. Saat itu ia ingin sekali berjumpa dengan ayahnya. Lalu ia memanggil malaikat itu dengan '' Ayah ''. ''Wahai ayah bisakah saya bertemu dengan ayah saya,'' tanyanya. Lalu muncullah satu sosok. Ruh Aslina tak mengenal sosok yang berusia antara 17-20 tahun itu. Sebab ayahnya meninggal saat berusia 65 tahun. Ternyata memang benar, sosok muda itu adalah ayahnya. Ruh Aslina mengucapkan salam ke ayahnya dan berkata: ''Wahai ayah, janji saya telah sampai.'' Mendengar itu ayah saya menangis. Lalu ayahnya berkata kepada Aslina. '' Pulanglah ke rumah, kasihan adik-adikmu. '' ruh Aslina pun menjawab. ''Saya tak bisa pulang, karena janji telah sampai ''.

Usai menceritakan dialog itu, Aslina mengingatkan kembali kepada hadirin bahwa alam barzah dan akhirat itu benar-benar ada. '' Alam barzah, akhirat, surga dan neraka itu betul ada. Akhirat adalah kekal,'' ujarnya bak seorang pendakwah.

Setelah dialog antara ruh Aslina dan ayahnya. Ayahnya tersebut menunduk. Lalu dua malaikat memimpinnya kembali, ia bertemu dengan perempuan yang beramal shaleh yang mukanya bercahaya dan wangi. Lalu ruh Aslina dibawa kursi yang empuk dan didudukkan di kursi tersebut, disebelahnya terdapat seorang perempuan yang menutup aurat, wajahnya cantik. Ruh Aslina bertanya kepada perempuan itu. ''Siapa kamu?'' lalu perempuan itu menjawab.''Akulah (amal) kamu.''

Selanjutnya ia dibawa bersama dua malaikat dan amalnya berjalan menelurusi lorong waktu melihat penderitaan manusia yang disiksa. Di sana ia melihat seorang laki-laki yang memikul besi seberat 500 ton, tangannya dirantai ke bahu, pakaiannya koyak-koyak dan baunya menjijikkan. Ruh Aslina bertanya kepada amalnya. '' Siapa manusia ini ? '' Amal Aslina menjawab
orang tersebut ketika hidupnya suka membunuh orang.

Lalu dilihatnya orang yang yang kulit dan dagingnya lepas. Ruh Aslina bertanya lagi ke amalnya tentang orang tersebut. Amalnya mengatakan bahwa manusia tersebut tidak pernah shalat. Selanjutnya tampak pula oleh ruh Aslina manusia yang dihujamkan besi ke tubuhnya. Ternyata orang itu adalah manusia yang suka berzina. Tampak juga orang saling bunuh, manusia itu ketika hidup suka bertengkar dan mengancam orang lain.

Dilihatkan juga pada ruh Aslina, orang yang ditusuk dengan 80 tusukan, setiap tusukan terdapat 80 mata pisau yang tembus ke dadanya, lalu berlumuran darah, orang tersebut menjerit dan tidak ada yang menolongnya. Ruh Aslina bertanya pada amalnya. Dan dijawab orang tersebut adalah orang juga suka membunuh. Ada pula orang yang dihempaskan ke tanah lalu dibunuh. Orang tersebut adalah anak yang durhaka dan tidak mau memelihara orang tuanya ketika di dunia.

Perjalanan menelusuri lorong waktu terus berlanjut. Sampailah ruh Aslina di malam yang gelap, kelam dan sangat pekat sehingga dua malaikat dan amalnya yang ada disisinya tak tampak. Tiba-tiba muncul suara orang mengucap : Subnallah, Alhamdulillah dan Allahu Akbar.
Tiba-tiba ada yang mengalungkan sesuatu di lehernya. Kalungan itu ternyata tasbih yang memiliki biji 99 butir.
Perjalanan berlanjut. Ia nampak tepak tembaga yang sisi-sisinya mengeluarkan cahaya, di belakang tepak itu terdapat gambar kakbah. Di dalam tepak terdapat batangan emas. Ruh Aslina bertanya pada amalnya tentang tepak itu. Amalnya menjawab tepak tersebut adalah husnul khatimah. (Husnul khatimah secara literlek berarti akhir yang baik. Yakni keadaan dimana
manusia pada akhir hayatnya dalam keadaan (berbuat) baik,red).

Selanjutnya ruh Aslina mendengarkan azan seperti azan di Mekkah. Ia pun mengatakan kepada amalnya. ''Saya mau shalat.'' Lalu dua malaikat yang memimpinnya melepaskan tangan ruh Aslina. ''Saya pun bertayamum, saya shalat seperti orang-orang di dunia shalat,'' ungkap Aslina. Selanjutnya ia kembali dipimpin untuk melihat Masjid Nabawi. Lalu diperlihatkan pula kepada ruh Aslina, makam Nabi Muhammad SAW. Dimakam tersebut batangan-batangan emas di dalam tepak ''husnul khatimah'' itu mengeluarkan cahaya terang. Berikutnya ia melihat cahaya seperti matahari tapi agak kecil. Cahaya itu pun bicara kepada ruh Aslina. ''Tolong kau
sampaikan kepada umat, untuk bersujud di hadapan Allah.''

Selanjutnya ruh Aslina menyaksikan miliaran manusia dari berbagai abad berkumpul di satu lapangan yang sangat luas. Ruh Aslina hanya berjarak sekitar lima meter dari kumpulan manusia itu. Kumpulan manusia itu berkata. ''Cepatlah kiamat, aku tak tahan lagi di sini Ya Allah.'' Manusia-manusia itu juga memohon. ''Tolong kembalikan aku ke dunia, aku mau beramal.''

Begitulah di antara cerita Aslina terhadap apa yang dilihat ruhnya saat ia mati suri. Dalam kesaksiaannya ia senantiasa mengajak hadirin yang datang pada pertemuan alumni ESQ itu untuk bertaubat dan beramal shaleh serta tidak melanggar aturan Allah. Setelah kesaksian Aslina, instruktur Pelatihan ESQ Legisan Sugimin yang telah mendapat lisensi dari Ary Ginanjar (pengarang buku sekaligus penemu metode Pelatihan ESQ) menjelaskan bahwa fenomena mati suri dan apa yang disaksikan oleh orang yang mati suri pernah diteliti ilmuan Barat. Legisan mengemukakan pula, mungkin di antara alumni ESQ yang hadir pada Ahad (24/9) malam
itu ada yang tidak percaya atau ragu terhadap
kesaksian Aslina. Tapi yang jelas, lanjutnya, rata-rata orang yang mati suri merasakan dan melihat hal yang hampir sama.

'' Apa yang disampaikan Aslina, mungkin bukti yang ditunjukkan Allah kepada kita semua, '' ujarnya.Legisan menjelaskan penelitian oleh Dr Raymond A Moody Jr tentang mati suri. Raymond mengemukakan orang mati suri itu dibawa masuk ke lorong waktu, di sana ia melihat rekaman seluruh apa yang telah ia lakukan selama hidupnya. Dan diakhir pengakuan orang mati suriitu berkata: ''Dan aku ingin agar aku dapat kembali dan membatalkan semuanya.''

Menanggapi kesaksian Aslina yang melihat orang-orang berteriak ingin dikembalikan ke dunia dan ingin beramal serta penelitian Raymond yang menyebutkan' ' aku ingin agar aku dapat kembali dan membatalkan semuanya,'' Legisan mengutip ayat Al-Quran Surat Al-Mu'muninun (23) ayat 99-100:

Hingga apabila datang kematian kepada seseorang dari mereka, dia berkata:''Ya, Tuhanku kembalikanlah aku (ke dunia).''(99) . Agar aku berbuat amal yang saleh terhadap yang telah aku tinggalkan. Sekali-kali tidak. Sesungguhnya itu adalah perkataan yang diucapkannya saja. Dan di hadapan mereka ada dinding sampai hari mereka dibangkitkan. (100).

Sebagai penguat dalil agar manusia bertaubat, dikutipkan juga Quran Surat Az-Zumar ayat 39: ''Dan kembalilah kamu kepada Tuhan-Mu, dan berserah dirilah kepada-Nya sebelum datang azab kepadamu kemudian kamu tidak dapat ditolong (lagi).''

Usai pertemuan alumni itu, Aslina meminta nasehat dari Legisan. Intruktur ESQ itu menyarankan agar Aslina senatiasa berdakwah dan menyampaikan kesaksiaannya
saat mati suri kepada masyarakat agar mereka bertaubat dan senantiasa mentaati perintah Allah dan menjauhi larangan-Nya. Setelah acara, banyak di antara alumni
yang bersimpati dan ingin membantu pengobatan sakit gondoknya. Para hadirinpun menyempat diri untuk berfoto bersama Aslina.

Semoga pembaca dapat mengambil pelajaran dari kesaksiaan tersebut.

Nb : Bagikan cerita ini kepada semua orang, agar mereka mendapat hikmahnya dari cerita ini. Ternyata hidup ini hanya sementara, dan hanya amal serta hati yang bersih yang menuntun kita menuju jalan kehadapan Illahi.

Saran dari IdolaIslam:
Mumpung belum kejadian, pada tobat dan insyaf ya, kembali ke jalan yang benar. Allah Swt maha pengasih dan maha pengampun

Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010



Cashle is a membership program that allows you to earn cash for completing offers presented by a variety of different companies. You can also earn money for doing other activities, as well as credits toward purchases of various products and points toward possible cash prizes. You can recruit others to the program as your referrals and earn from their activities as well.

Detailed Overview

There are a lot of different incentives that you get with the Cashle program. It isn’t all about cash, though you can earn cash from being a member of the program and participating in the activities. You can earn straight cash, points that you can trade in for various things, merits for achieving certain goals and special program lottery tickets.

This program is actually part of two joined programs, which includes Points2Shop. When you join one, you automatically belong to the other. In the Cashle portion you earn cash, and in the Points2Shop portion you earn points that you can use toward purchases. Cash can be converted to points, but not vice versa.

This could get confusing, but it really isn’t. Whichever part of the program that you are on, Cashle or Paid2Shop, you can participate in activities for some kind of reward. Completing offers usually consists of signing up for some type of free trial, and you can earn cash or points this way. When you earn points, you can use them for discounts at the Amazon Marketplace. If you have enough points, you can even get products there for free, though you’ll usually have to pay shipping and handling.

Critics are quick to point out that nobody is going to make anything close to a living through these sites. Cash payment for a single activity tends to be small, and it takes a long time to earn enough points to be able to get something on Amazon for free. The fact is, though, that the people who run Cashle don’t promise that you’ll make a full time living; only that you’ll earn some extra cash and maybe have fun in the process.


A lot of people have fun with Cashle and Points2Shop. Members point out that as long as you don’t go in thinking you’re going to make a fortune, you can have fun making extra cash or getting good discounts on things at Amazon Marketplace. The program has been around for a while, and it does pay, so its reputation is fairly decent.

Domain "Whois"

The Whois information for a website lists the owner and their contact information. The Whois information for "Cashle" is public which is generally a good thing. This indicates the owner of this site has nothing to hide.


Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010

Survey: Most teens have driven while distracted

Most teenagers have driven while distracted even though most know such behavior is dangerous, according to a new survey released Monday.

Almost 86 percent admitted to driving while texting, talking on a phone, or doing other distracting things behind the wheel, according to the results of a survey conducted by Seventeen magazine and the AAA, formally known as the American Automobile Association. The teens said they texted, talked, and ate while driving even though 84 percent of them said they know it's dangerous.

Among those surveyed, 73 percent said they've adjusted their radios while driving, 61 percent said they've eaten food, and 60 percent admitted to chatting on a cell phone. Though most know it's wrong, many of them still came up with ways to justify their behavior. About 41 percent said they think their action will only take a split second, 35 percent don't think they'll get hurt, 34 percent claimed they're used to multitasking, and 32 percent don't think anything bad will happen as a result.

But when teens are the passengers, their attitude seems to change a bit. Among those surveyed, 38 percent said they've been afraid they would get hurt in a car because the driver was distracted by doing something else. And no matter who's driving, many teenagers have come close to danger. More than 36 percent said they believe they've been involved in a near-accident because of their own or someone else's distracted driving.

"It's great that so many teens are able to identify the bad driving habits that will put them and their friends in danger," Seventeen editor in chief Ann Shoket said in a statement. "But the bigger challenge we face now is to give them the tools they need to stop driving while distracted."

Texting while driving is still among the top riskest behaviors, especially among teenagers who are still learning safe driving skills, according to the AAA. But the survey found that teen drivers who texted sent on average 23 messages over the past month.

"Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for teen drivers and the proliferation of distracted driving among teens is a challenge all of us must face head-on," AAA President and CEO Robert Darbelnet said in a statement. "Because of their lack of driving experience and penchant to take risks, it's imperative that teen drivers--like all drivers--remain focused behind the wheel at all times."

Almost 6,000 people died in 2008 in crashes involving a distracted or inattentive driver, while more than a half million were injured, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Conducted in May, the survey questioned almost 2,000 male and female drivers between the ages of 16 and 19. The results of the survey will appear in the September issue of Seventeen.

Mitsubishi i-Miev in the city


Mitsubishi i-Miev

Mitsubishi's i-Miev electric car comes to the U.S. in fall of 2011. We got an early taste of life with an electric car.

(Credit: Josh Miller)

The U.S. version of the Mitsubishi i-Miev electric car won't be here until next year, but we got to spend a week with the Japanese version to test out the power train and find out what life will be like with an electric car.

First of all, being a car built for the Japanese market, the steering wheel was on the wrong side. We found that fact relatively easy to cope with in the city, but this i-Miev also lacked anything like the cabin tech we will see in the U.S. version. It had merely a simple radio and a CD player mounted in the dash.

The Mitsubishi i, on which the i-Miev is based, was designed as a city car, so we found it easy to get along with it in the dense urban area of San Francisco. It is narrower than most American cars, which made it extremely comfortable to drive in traffic, as the lanes seemed very wide.

Its minimal length proved a big bonus when looking for parking spaces, as the i-Miev fit into curb spots most cars could not. That short length also gave us room to maneuver in traffic, making it easy to jump into openings in a line of cars.

But edging through traffic wouldn't be possible if the power train wasn't up to it. Although an electric car with only 63 horsepower, the 47-kilowatt motor's 133 pound-feet of torque gave the car the push it needed to drive through the tangled traffic of the city and make quick starts off the line.

Of course, we were always conscious of the fact that the i-Miev is an electric car, with a range that can be quickly sapped by a lot of hard acceleration. This thought generally kept us at moderate speeds. But we were happy that the i-Miev had the acceleration headroom to handle any situations that cropped up.

Although ready to jump forward quickly at speeds below 50 mph, a previous excursion on the freeway had shown us the limits of the i-Miev when traveling above 60 mph.

Impressively, the i-Miev had the guts to pull some of San Francisco's hills, but after the heavy accelerator work needed, we noticed an interesting ozone smell, the result of the battery giving up a lot of its charge to reach the crest.

The car does have a shifter, but this stick would more properly be called a drive-mode selector, as it is not connected to a transmission. The i-Miev uses a single-gear reduction transmission, as the electric motor has a higher rpm range than a gas engine so does not need a variety of different gear ratios.

Along with reverse and drive, there are also Eco and engine-braking modes, the latter signified with a B. In Eco mode, acceleration is reduced, and regeneration while coasting is increased. The B mode increases regeneration, but does not limit acceleration.

The instrument cluster shows battery level and range to empty.

(Credit: Josh Miller/CNET)

While driving the i-Miev, we were very conscious of its digital gauges, one showing battery level and the other showing range to empty. A center analog gauge contained blue, green, and clear areas, indicating regeneration, minimal battery usage, and power.

We found it easy to keep the car in the green area, labeled Eco on the gauge. It only entered the blue area when we let the car coast. The i-Miev does not have true regenerative braking, so we saw no additional recharge when we applied the brakes.

After spending a typical day driving around the city, the battery level stayed well above the halfway mark. This welcome observation is partly due to the fact that San Francisco measures approximately 7 miles by 7 miles, and the i-Miev has the juice to go 100 miles. Though it might take an hour to get across the city, very little juice gets consumed since most of that time is spent sitting in traffic or at stop lights.

Instead of waiting until the battery was almost dead, we recharged it whenever we could. From a 110 volt outlet, it would have taken 14 hours to completely recharge the battery, or 7 hours from a 220 volt outlet. As our driving used only a quarter or half of the charge, we never had to let it sit for the full 14 hours.

In a home-charging situation, we found that the i-Miev tripped breakers if there was much else on the circuit. We had to find a circuit with little existing load to plug in the i-Miev.

40 mile radius San Francisco map

With an online map tool, we estimated the round-trip area we could cover in the i-Miev.

(Credit: Wayne Cunningham/CNET)

Considering the i-Miev's 100-mile range, we used an online mapping tool to look at areas within a 40 mile radius of a few downtown areas. We chose 40 miles as comfortably within the point-of-no-return range for a round trip. Of course, using a simple radius distance shows range as-the-crow-flys, and does not take into account real road mileage. But it is an interesting indication of the i-Miev's practicality.

You can check the radius for your own city with the Radius Around Point map tool.

The U.S. version of the Mitsubishi i-Miev electric car should be available at dealerships in late 2011. No pricing has been announced at this time.

Cape Wind agrees to reduce cost of offshore wind

Striking a deal with the state's attorney general, the developers of Cape Wind have agreed to cut the price of electricity from the proposed offshore wind farm in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley on Friday said that her office had negotiated a 10 percent reduction in the price Cape Wind will charge to utility National Grid for electricity. Over the course of the proposed 15-year contract, the reduction will save $456 million, according to Coakley's office.

An offshore wind farm in Sweden.

(Credit: GE)

The deal highlights how cost remains a large barrier to building offshore wind farms in the U.S. Added construction expenditures means that offshore wind is roughly twice the cost of onshore wind, according to analysts. A proposal to build a pilot offshore wind farm in deep waters off Rhode Island was rejected earlier this year as being too costly by state regulators.

The state utility regulators in Massachusetts are now considering whether to approve Cape Wind, which is vying to be the first offshore wind farm in the U.S. Supporters of Cape Wind argue that it will bring more renewable energy to the U.S. and will help establish a foothold for the nascent industry.

Opponents of the controversial project argue that it will hurt property values because the turbines, which will be five miles from the coast of Cape Cod, will be visible from the shore. Detractors now appear to be increasingly seizing on cost of the project.

In May, Cape Wind signed a power purchase agreement with National Grid, which agreed to pay 20.7 cents per kilowatt-hour for half of the electricity generated by Cape Wind, which is significantly higher than wholesale electricity prices.

The agreement with the attorney general calls for Cape Wind to charge 18.7 cents per kilowatt-hour, which will increase by 3.5 percent per year. Other provisions are designed to adjust prices downward if Cape Wind saves money through lower construction costs or receives a federal loan guarantee.

"This agreement accomplishes two important goals--working to develop renewable energy, specifically off-shore wind in Massachusetts, and ensuring customers get the benefits of this project under a much fairer price than what was originally proposed," Coakley said in a statement.

Foes of the projects were still not satisfied, including a business lobbying group in the state, the Associated Industries of Massachusetts.

"AIM is in favor of 'smart' renewable development that is more competitive, cheaper, and less impactful on the business climate than the proposed Cape Wind/National Grid agreement," told the Boston Globe.

Coming Tuesday: BlackBerry launch live blog

NEW YORK-- Research in Motion is gearing up to take the wraps of its latest BlackBerry Tuesday at an event here.

CNET will be live-blogging the event, which starts at 8 a.m. PDT/11 a.m. EDT. I'll be dishing the latest news during the live blog along with CNET's smartphone reviewer Bonnie Cha. For a reminder of when the event will start, sign up below through the CoverItLive widget. You can also bookmark this page and come back here Tuesday morning.

The new device, referred to as the BlackBerry 9800, is a touch-screen phone that is expected to rival Apple's iPhone and other smartphones, like ones using Google's Android operating system. AT&T, which is expected to be the exclusive carrier for the new phone, will be joining RIM for the announcement.

For months, bloggers and others watching RIM closely have speculated that the new BlackBerry 9800 will be the first to use RIM's new operating system, BlackBerry OS 6. This new software comes with a revamped Web browser, which should help it compete more aggressively with more Web-centric devices like the iPhone, as well as devices that use the Google Android operating system.

For all the latest information on the new phone, stay tuned to the live blog and our later follow-up coverage.